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How to Apply

Our application is closed for Summer 2024. Join our mailing list to keep up-to-date with news for Summer 2025!

UChicago Students can learn how to register here.

The application for Pre-College Students and Visiting Students will open in mid-December! We are excited for you to start your application to the University of Chicago Summer Session! Please review the deadline information, application checklist, instructions, and how to confirm your enrollment on this page before you begin your application

See information about program fees and financial aid on the Costs page!

2024 Program Deadlines

Please see the following chart for application dates and deadlines. “Final Deadline” means that is the last date we will accept applications to that particular program.

  Priority Regular  Extended Rolling
Deadline Thurs, Jan 18 Tues, Mar 5 Thu, Apr 11 After Apr 15 – May 15**
Decision Release End of Feb Mid-Apr Early May 3 weeks after completed app
Immersion, Pre-College Connect, Stones & Bones, Summer College, Summer Language Institute, Summer Online, Visiting Undergraduate Students
The Point Program for Public Thinking Workshop N/A    
Research in the Biological Sciences Final Deadline      
Enrichment and Bridge Programs N/A Final Deadline    
International students in residential programs* Final Deadline    

*International students who do not already hold a student F-1 visa will need to apply by the Regular deadline in order to meet visa deadlines. Students applying to RIBS must apply by the January 18 deadline.

**The application will remain open for Visiting Undergraduate students until May 30 for Session 2 and September term courses. 


Application Checklist

Pre-College Application Checklist

Application Checklist

Please review the instructions below to start your application. You will need to prepare materials to upload as part of the application and also select which programs or courses you would like to be considered for. Your online application is considered complete when the following materials have been received:

Application Section Multi-Week Pre-College Enrichment
Personal Profile All programs All programs
Program & Course Selection All programs All programs
Education History & Transcript All programs All programs
Supplement  All programs All programs
Writing Sample All programs Not required
Financial Aid Application Required for those applying for need-based aid, those applying to Summer Bridge, or partner partners  Not required, unless additional funding is needed
Letter of Recommendation All programs Select programs
Test Scores Required for international applicants
Optional for all other programs
Not required
Additional Academic Information Required for courses related to Computer Science, Creative Writing, Data Science, Economics, Math, Physics, and Quantum  Quantum Quickstart only
Parent Confirmation Response All programs All Programs
$50 Application Fee All programs  Not required

Visiting Student Application Checklist

Visiting Student Application Checklist

For Summer Session undergraduate offerings, your online application is considered complete when the following materials have been received:

  • Personal Profile
  • Program and Course Selection
  • Transcript for undergraduate career
  • Test Scores (optional for domestic students)
    • International students are required to submit Duolingo English Test, TOEFL, or IELTS scores (see International Students page for details). A copy of the entire report should be provided, not just the final score. 
  • Additional Academic Information asks students to complete a checklist of items and is required for applications to programs or courses in Computer Science, Math, Physics, and related fields of study that have academic prerequisites. 
  • Application Fee

Admitted students for any program must confirm attendance by submitting a $1,000 non-refundable program deposit within seven days of the release of their admissions decision. Students will not be registered for courses or programs until this initial deposit is received. 

Pre-College Instructions

The instructions below apply for Pre-College students. Your online application is considered complete when the following materials have been received:

Personal Profile and Program & Course Selection

  • Personal Profile
  • Program and Course Selection based upon eligibility. You will be asked to indicate your current grade level. Based upon your current grade level, the application will provide you with programs you are eligible to apply for.
    • You may choose up to four program selections with one course under each program selection to be considered for.
    • Order matters! Your selections will be read in order of your program and course preferences. We will consider the first program you list to be your top choice, and the first course you list to be your preferred course in that program.
    • You may apply to multiple programs and courses, but you will only be admitted to one. 
      • If you wish to be considered for admission to a non-Enrichment Program, but know that you will need financial aid, you must complete the Financial Aid Application.
      • If you apply to an Enrichment Program, and it is not your first choice, an application fee will be charged. The application fee will be automatically waived for anyone who applied with an Enrichment Program as their first choice.


Transcript for all years in high school. You must include a transcript for all classes taken in high school for grades 9, 10, and 11, as applicable. A 2023–2024 grade report for current courses is also required if they do not appear on your official transcript. Students currently in 9th grade should also submit their grade report from 8th grade. 

Test Scores

  • Test Scores, including the PSAT, PreACT, SAT, ACT, and any AP scores are optional, but encouraged if you have taken one of these tests.
    • International students are required to submit TOEFL, DET, or IELTS scores (see International Students page for details). A copy of the entire report should be provided, not just the final score. 
    • International students who are applying to any of the Enrichment Programs are encouraged to submit proof of English proficiency from any exam (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo English Test) if they feel mastery of the English language is not otherwise demonstrated in their application.

Financial Aid & Scholarship Program Application

  • Financial Aid & Scholarship Program Application with supporting materials (if applying for need-based aid).
    • If you need financial aid, you must apply on the application and upload financial documentation in support of your application. Financial aid cannot be awarded after an admissions decision is received.
    • If you are only applying for a Enrichment Program, then you do not need to separately apply for need-based financial aid, unless you are seeking additional funding to cover roundtrip travel costs.

Supplement Essays and Writing Sample

  • Supplement Essays
    • Students applying to Immersion, Pre-College Connect, Pre-College Summer Language Institute, RIBS, Stones and Bones, Summer College, and Summer Online will be asked to respond to these two essays:
      • Why did you choose the particular program/courses for which you have applied? How are they related to your current interests and future plans? Please be as specific as possible, and make sure your response covers each of the courses you elected. (Limit: 500 words) 
      • Describe your most rewarding academic project or academic experience. (Limit: 250 words).
    • Students applying to any Enrichment Program will respond to these two questions:
      •  Why did you choose this enrichment program? How are the goals of this program or the topics covered related to your current interests and future plans? Please be as specific as possible, and if you wish to be considered for more than one program, make sure your response covers each of the programs you
        chose. (Limit 500 words.)
      • “Since its founding, the University has been committed to the idea that a culture of rigorous inquiry requires an environment where diverse perspectives, experiences, groups of individuals, and ideas inform and stimulate intellectual exchange, challenge, and engagement.” -UChicago Office of the Provost. How does your perspective, experience or background contribute to our culture of inquiry in this program? What do you hope to gain by engaging with peers from all over the U.S. or from different parts of the world? (Limit: 300 words)
  • Writing Sample
    • Students applying to any multi-week programs must submit a legible copy of one of their essays or research papers which is typed, written in English, and includes their teacher's grade and comments. Students may submit a marked handwritten paper if it is accompanied by a typed copy. 
    • Lab notes or math sets will not be accepted; the writing sample should be English expository prose.
    • Students who do not have a writing sample that meets these guidelines will need to write a paper and have their teacher review it.
    • Please note that Immersion's Creative Writing course applicants should also submit a piece of fiction, which does not need to be graded.
    • No writing sample is required for students applying for Enrichment Programs. 

Additional Academic Information

Additional Academic Information is required for applications to programs or courses in Computer Science, Creative Writing, Data Science, Economics, Math, Physics, Quantum, and related fields of study. 

Letter of Recommendation

Letter of Recommendation from a teacher in a subject related to the course(s) for which you are applying. You can request up to 3 letters from teachers.

If a Counselor or Teacher nomination is optional or recommended for your Enrichment program, please use the form that is directly linked on the program page. Do not send a recommendation link to your counselor or teacher via the application. Enrichment programs that have the nomination form include the following: Emerging Rural Leaders I, Emerging World Leaders, Exploring Frontiers, Parrhesia Ambassador Program, Quantum Quickstart, Voltage Scholars, and Young Innovators Program.

Application fee and signature

  • The application fee is $50.
  • Waived for students applying to Enrichment Programs or in partnership with one of our community-based organizations

Parent/Guardian Confirmation Emails

Parent/Guardian Confirmation emails will be sent to the parent or guardian on file for all pre-college applicants. Your application is not considered complete until we receive the Parent/Guardian Confirmation Email, and we will not review your application until we receive a response from your parent or guardian.

Visiting Undergraduate Instructions

The instructions below apply for Visiting Undergraduate students. Your online application is considered complete when the following materials have been received:

Personal Profile and Program & Course Selection

  • Personal Profile
  • Program and Course Selection based upon eligibility. You will be asked to indicate your current grade level. Based upon your current grade level, the application will provide you with programs you are eligible to apply for.
    • You may choose up to four program selections with one course under each program selection to be considered for.
    • Order matters! Your selections will be read in order of your program and course preferences. We will consider the first program you list to be your top choice, and the first course you list to be your preferred course in that program.
    • You will be asked if you would like to be registered for more than one course, if admissible. 


You must include a transcript for all classes taken during your academic career. Please also list the courses you are currently enrolled in this quarter/semester.

Test Scores 

  • International students are required to submit TOEFL, DET, or IELTS scores (see International Students page for details). A copy of the entire report should be provided, not just the final score. 
  • Test Scores are not required for domestic students. 

Additional Academic Information

  • Additional Academic Information is required for applications to programs or courses in Computer Science, Math, Physics, and related fields of study that have academic prerequisites. 

Application fee and signature

The $50 Application fee is due upon submission of your application. 

Confirming Enrollment with a Program Deposit

Students admitted to any Multi-Week Program must confirm attendance by submitting a $1,000 non-refundable program deposit within seven days of the release of their admissions decision. Students will not be registered for courses or programs until this initial deposit is received. 

Students admitted to most Enrichment Programs will not have to pay a deposit or program fee. Students admitted to Emerging World Leaders, Exploring Frontiers, and China Emerging Leaders will pay their program fee within one week of admission. 

The full program fee will be due four weeks after Immersion, Pre-College Connect, RIBS, Stones & Bones, and Summer Online students are admitted; students who fail to pay the program fee will forfeit their spot in their program. 

Please see the Application FAQs for more information on the application.