Building the New Venture
Course Code
BUSN 20330 91
Course Description
This course is designed for undergraduate students with a curiosity about business and particularly entrepreneurship and small business or not-for profit organizations.It is not necessary that students be planning to start a venture in the near or even distant future. Each week will feature a specific entrepreneurial skill. For those who may be interested in starting or running a business or non-profit, this class will provide an essential foundation for the process, skills and resources required as well as the opportunities available.
While students will not write a formal business plan in this class, the team's YourCo. assignments will give those students interested in pursuing their projects much of the information necessary to complete a business plan. Instructor and TA assistance will be available for those who wish to continue with a formal business plan in order to launch a business or compete in the College New Venture Challenge.
This is an experiential class. Strong participation is required, with a significant amount of work in a team format. Each team will have access to a Faculty Coach to advise them on their assignments.
Course Criteria
The Mercer Scholarship provides financial support of up to $4,790 to students enrolled in the Building the New Venture course. The scholarship was established to enhance the range of students participating in the Chicago Booth Summer Business Scholars Program.
Current UChicago Students: Self-register for the course through My.UChicago and submit your Scholarship Application
Visiting Undergraduate Students: Submit a completed Course Application to Summer Session, selecting BUSN 20330 91 as your first course choice, and submit your Scholarship Application.
CJ Przybyl
UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2Other Courses to Consider
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- Marketing Management
The objective of the course is to provide an intro to marketing strategy. The course develops a common framework (3Cs/4Ps) to analyze real world problems presented in business cases and synthesize recommendations addressing strategic marketing issues. Numerous tools used to support the framework are also introduced. GOALS:
Introduce marketing strategy and elements of marketing analysis or business situation analysis: Customer analysis, Company analysis and Competitor analysis (3Cs).
Develop familiarity with tactical use of elements of the marketing mix - product policy, pricing, promotion and placement/distribution (4 Ps)-in a manner consistent with marketing analysis and strategy.
Integrate elements of the framework prescriptively into real world business situations.
Provide exposure to business case analysis and critical thinking common in case-based business classes.
This course uses lectures to introduce concepts, and uses cases and business examples to illustrate them. Grading criteria includes homework assignments/case write-ups, final exam, and class participation that may involve student presentations or in-class exercises.
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