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Basics of Corporate, Banking and Investment Finance

Program(s): Undergraduate Courses

This course introduces students to the basics of corporate finance, investments, and banking, with an emphasis on real-world application. Course sessions will focus on careers in financial economics and allied industries, including banking, investment management, and capital markets. The class serves as a rigorous introduction to various facets of financial economics and is a gateway to more advanced courses on these topics.

This section also includes Friday lab sessions featuring discussions and case studies with industry alumni, firm visits, and preparation for upcoming finance recruitment cycles including networking strategies and behavioral and technical interview skills. 

  • Friday, August 30 | Recruiting Essentials
    • Finance recruiting timelines and roadmap for success
    • Prepping for interviews, practice interview questions that build on the week’s course instruction, and networking strategies
  • Friday, September 6 | Understanding Finance Industry Areas
    • Overview of finance career verticals and finding your fit
    • Presentations by alumni on their area of industry expertise and a sample case walk through
  • Friday, September 13 | Mini-Trek to Chicago Area Firms
    • Visit to an investment bank, a private equity firm, and a boutique investment banking advisory firm

Remote or Residential

✓ Residential (On-Campus)


Course Considerations

Prerequisites: Econ 10000/20000/20010 and Econ 10200/20200/20210 and Econ 11010/STAT 22000/STAT 23400/STAT 24400.

Please check AIS for additional course content details.

Enrollment information and deadlines: Students can-self-enroll up until May 31. After that, students can email to register for this class.

Housing information: Undergraduate September Term housing is available. Applications are due July 1.

Course Overview

Start Date

August 26

End Date

September 13

Current Grade / Education Level

Undergrad / Grad


Undergraduate Courses

Class Details

Course Code

ECON 15030 97

Class Day(s)

Mon Tues Wed Thurs

Class Duration (CST)


1:00 P.M.

Lab Day(s)


Lab Start Time


Lab End Time



Sept Term

Course Length

3 weeks

Academic Interest
