Introduction to Money and Banking
Course Code
ECON 13000 91
Course Description
The course focuses on monetary policy and central bank's attempts to stabilize prices and promote maximum sustainable economic growth. Topics include the structure of the Federal Reserve, the conduct of monetary policy, the term structure of interest rates, risk valuation, management of banking, and financial crises.
Course Criteria
ECON 13000 for Summer 2025 will be conducted in live-synchronous manner but will be broadcasted for remote students.
However, students must meet the following requirements for remote participation:
1. Must have earned letter grade B or above in both ECON 10000 (Principles of Microeconomics) and ECON 10200 (Principles of Macroeconomics) .
2. Must actively participate and attendance will be taken.
Students who do not meet the above requirements must participate in-person. Prerequisite: ECON 10200 or 19900 or 20200 or 20210.
Fulfills Business Economics Macroeconomic Methods requirement or business economics specialization ECON elective.
Ken Kuevibulvanich
UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2