The University of Chicago Summer
The Point Program for Public Thinking Summer Workshop: Art and Immorality | Summer
The Point Program for Public Thinking Summer Workshop: Art and Immorality

The Point Program for Public Thinking Summer Workshop: Art and Immorality

Course Code

PARR 11700 91

Course Description

The Summer Workshop provides a space for undergraduate students interested in journalism, criticism, politics, art, and nonprofit work to learn about and practice engaging the public through dialogue and writing. The theme of this workshop is "Art and Immorality". Some of its central questions will be: Is it possible, or justifiable, to enjoy art we consider immoral? Does beauty have moral or political value? Can “good” art be dangerous? Can it be virtuous? Does art have a role in self-improvement or social progress? You will address these and related questions in conversation with one another as well as with various philosophical, political, artistic, and religious traditions. For your final assignment, you will outline a longform essay or design a project to foster public conversation about art and morality on your own college campus.

Course Criteria

Enrollment by consent only. Interested students must submit a complete application through Deadline to apply is March 5, 2025

This program will cover all expenses (application fee, tuition, room, and board). Interested current UChicago students must submit an application as well.

The Summer Program for Public Thinking workshop is co-sponsored by The Point Magazine and Parrhesia Program for Public Discourse at the University of Chicago.


Jonathan Baskin, Anastasia Artemyev Berg

UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2

1 UChicago students can self-register.

2 Visiting students and pre-college students apply through the same application.


Session 3

Course Dates

August 4th - August 15th

Class Days

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

Class Time

9:30 am - 4:30 pm

Course Code

PARR 11700 91

