The University of Chicago Summer
Systems Programming I | Summer
Systems Programming I

Systems Programming I

Course Code

CMSC 14300 91

Course Description

This course is the first in a pair of courses designed to teach students about systems programming.

In this course, students will develop a deeper understanding of what a computer does when executing a program. In order to make the operations of the computer more transparent, students will study the C programming language, with special attention devoted to bit-level programming, pointers, allocation, file input and output, and memory layout. In the context of the C language, the course will revisit fundamental data structures by way of programming exercises, including strings, arrays, lists, trees, and dictionaries. Furthermore, the course will examine how memory is organized and structured in a modern machine.

Students will gain basic fluency with debugging tools such as gdb and valgrind and build systems such as make.

Course Criteria

Prerequisite: CMSC 14200 or placement into CMSC 14300.

This course is required for all CS majors.

UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2

1 UChicago students can self-register.

2 Visiting students and pre-college students apply through the same application.


Session 1

Course Dates

June 16th - August 8th

Class Days

Mon, Wed

Class Time

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Course Code

CMSC 14300 91

