The University of Chicago Summer
Readings in World Literature II | Summer
Readings in World Literature II

Readings in World Literature II

Course Code

HUMA 11100 97

Course Description

The theme for the Winter Quarter of Readings in World Literature is "Autobiography/ Writing the Self." This course examines the nature of autobiographical writing from a wide range of cultural and historical contexts, including texts such as Augustine's Confessions, Sei Shonagon's The Pillow Book, Vladimir Nabokov's Speak Memory, Wole Soyinka's Aké and Alison Bechdel's graphic memoir Fun Home.

While last quarter focused on the genre of the epic-texts that imagine and even create a people's sense of a shared past and a shared culture-this quarter will focus on how individuals imagine their own, particular lives.

We will explore, among other issues, how the self is constructed through reading and writing, the relationship between memory and identity, the claims of authenticity or truth, the oscillation between interior and exterior life, and the peculiarities of individual voice.

Course Criteria

This course is only open to incoming UChicago transfer students; please see the Summer Session Incoming Transfer Students page to apply.

This course must be taken alongside HUMA 11000, Readings in World Literature I, as well as an afternoon writing course that runs August 4-September 12, 2025 (no class September 1).


Maylenne Sternstein

UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2

1 UChicago students can self-register.

2 Visiting students and pre-college students apply through the same application.


September Term

Course Dates

August 25th - September 12th

Class Days

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

Class Time

9:00 am - 11:00 am

Core Course

Part of UChicago Core Curriculum

Course Code

HUMA 11100 97

