The University of Chicago Summer
Media Aesthetics: Image, Text, Sound I | Summer
Media Aesthetics: Image, Text, Sound I

Media Aesthetics: Image, Text, Sound I

Course Code

HUMA 16000 91

Course Description

Autumn Quarter focuses on images, imitation, and seeing. Images may seem to simply reflect the real, but they just as often distort or distance viewers from it. We explore the strangeness of images through Diego Velasquez's Las Meninas, Plato's Republic, Hitchcock's Vertigo, and Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye.

Course Criteria

This course is only open to incoming UChicago transfer students; please see the Summer Session Incoming Transfer Students page to apply.

This course must be taken alongside HUMA 16100, Media Aesthetics: Image, Text, Sound II, as well as an afternoon writing course that runs August 4-September 12, 2025 (no class September 1).


Sergio Delgado Moya

UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2

1 UChicago students can self-register.

2 Visiting students and pre-college students apply through the same application.


Session 3

Course Dates

August 4th - August 22nd

Class Days

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

Class Time

9:00 am - 11:00 am

Core Course

Part of UChicago Core Curriculum

Course Code

HUMA 16000 91

