Language, Culture, and Education
Course Code
EDSO 23007 91
Course Description
In this course, we examine past and current theories and research about differential educational achievement in US schools, including: - Theories that focus on the characteristics of people (e.g., their psychological characteristics, their internal traits, their essential qualities); - Theories that focus on the characteristics of groups and settings, (e. g., ethnic group culture, language, school culture); and - Theories that examine how cultural processes mediate political-economic constraints and human action. Course discussion will focus on understanding the ways in which language and/or culture are conceptualized in these theories and their educational consequences, especially for racialized students from historically marginalized communities in the US.
Course Criteria
This course is primarily comprised of undergraduate students. A select number of places are reserved for advanced high school students.
The cost of this course for pre-college students is $4,790
Lisa Rosen