The University of Chicago Summer
Internet Censorship and Online Speech | Summer
Internet Censorship and Online Speech

Internet Censorship and Online Speech

Course Code

CMSC 33260 91

Cross Listed Course Code(s)

MADD 23620, PARR 33260

Course Description

Information dissemination and online discourse on the Internet are subject to the algorithms and filters that operate on Internet infrastructure, from network firewalls to search engines. This course will explore the technologies that are used to control access to online speech and information, and cutting-edge technologies that can empower citizens in the face of these information controls. You will learn about and experiment with technologies to control online discourse, ranging from firewalls that perform network traffic filtering to algorithms for content personalization and content moderation.

We will also explore underlying technical trends, such as the increasing consolidation of Internet infrastructure and protocols, and the implications of consolidation for control over online discourse.

Each course meeting will include a technical overview, reading discussion, and a hands-on laboratory activity.

Course Criteria

Some experience with Python may be helpful but is not strictly necessary.

This course is primarily comprised of undergraduate students. A select number of places are reserved for advanced high school students.

The cost of this course for pre-college students is $4,790


Nick Feamster

Application 1UChicago Registration 2

1 Pre-college and visiting students need to apply via the same application form.

2 UChicago students can self-register.

Course Duration

Summer Online


Session 2

Course Dates

July 7th - July 25th

Class Days

Mon, Wed, Fri

Class Time

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


11th Grade, 12th Grade, Undergrad

Course Code

CMSC 33260 91

