Human Being and Citizen II
Course Code
HUMA 12400 97
Course Description
In the winter quarter, we examine conceptions of the human good in connection with practices of the self as they pertain to virtue, the social order, spiritual beliefs and practices, and community. We ask what constitutes human flourishing and explore relations and tensions between individual self-formation and the social and political good. Texts include Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Augustine's Confessions, and Dante's Inferno.
Course Criteria
This course is only open to incoming UChicago transfer students. Please visit the Summer Session Incoming Transfer Students page to apply.
This course must be taken alongside HUMA 12300, Human Being and Citizen I, as well as an afternoon writing course that runs August 4-September 12, 2025 (no class September 1).
Samantha Fenno
UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2