Human Being and Citizen I
Course Code
HUMA 12300 91
Course Description
The autumn quarter explores the ways that ancient literary, philosophical, and religious texts (from the Greek, Mesopotamian, and Abrahamic traditions) conceive of, express ideals about, and articulate tensions in conceptions of human and divine law and justice, affective life, human striving, and the human being as such. Texts include the Epic of Gilgamesh, Homer's Iliad, the book of Genesis, dialogues of Plato, and Sophocles' Antigone.
Course Criteria
This course is only open to incoming UChicago transfer students; please see the Summer Session Incoming Transfer Students page to apply.
This course must be taken alongside HUMA 12400, Human Being and Citizen II, as well as an afternoon writing course that runs August 4-September 12, 2025 (no class September 1).
Samantha Fenno
UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2