Discrete Mathematics
Course Code
CMSC 27100 91
Course Description
This course emphasizes mathematical discovery and rigorous proof, which are illustrated on a refreshing variety of accessible and useful topics. Basic counting is a recurring theme and provides the most important source for sequences, which is another recurring theme. Further topics include proof by induction; recurrences and Fibonacci numbers; graph theory and trees; number theory, congruences, and Fermat's little theorem; counting, factorials, and binomial coefficients; combinatorial probability; random variables, expected value, and variance; and limits of sequences, asymptotic equality, and rates of growth.
Course Criteria
This course is not open to pre-college students. Prerequisites: to register for this course, you must have taken (CMSC 12200 or 14200 or 15200 or 16200) or (MATH 15910 or 16300 or 16310 or 19900 or MATH 20300 or 20310 or 20400 or 20410 or 20700 or 25400 or 25500 or 25700.) Cannot enroll if CMSC 27130 was taken.
Jonathan Liu
UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2