Biogeography and Distribution of Species
Course Code
BIOS 27725 97
Course Description
Students will explore various aspects of the biota of the region surrounding the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA.
The focus of the course will be to examine various patterns in the distribution and abundance of the flora/fauna in the islands and associated mainland habitats over the course of 3 weeks through a combination of in class lectures and laboratory sessions, combined with field studies.
Penikese Island will receive special focus for extensive inventory of the biota, to update previous contributions to the flora of the island and begin an inventory of mammals, birds, and invertebrates. Similar surveys will be made of nearby mainland habitats for biogeographic comparisons between island and mainland patterns of abundance.
This course is only open to University of Chicago students.
Course Criteria
Course meets for three weeks at Marine Biological Laboratories, in Woods Hole Massachusetts.
Lab and lecture times to be coordinated on site.
For more information see
This course is not open to visiting students.
Eric Larsen
UChicago Registration 1Visiting Application 2